SKYLETTE is opened since 22 December 2008, but it renovated at 27 October 2009. This site teaches you how to edit your pictures and photographs using many ways which you may have not discovered them until you visit this site. Most of the pictures wlll be edited using Photoscape so if you have not installed it into your computer, you may do so NOW. Simply click the word "Photoscape". This site also provides some materials for you to use for your image editing, but please do not redistribute them without the owner's permission and credit. If you need to clear your doubts, you may do so by asking at the Shoutmix widget below. Just a reminder: Do not spam, because i can ban you, and delete all your spam tags. Your time is wasted. Click here for the owner's personal blog. You may contact the owner at her personal blog to contact her faster. Necessities
What it's got here?
Tutorials(show all posts in this category)How to add rainbow effect to images
Resources(show all posts in this category)
Amazing Unique Codes(show all posts in this category)Mouseover Effects Disable right-click & selecting in ONE-LINE!
How to make blogskin?(show all posts in this category)Introduction Blogskinning Skills - Chapter 1 Blogskinning Skills - Chapter 2 Keep yourself updated with SKYLETTE!
Follow SKYLETTE if you have a google account. enquires/contact
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Click on the navigations at the left side and please rate for the item if possible. Update
25 June 2013Hi! Sorry for not updating this site for like decades, because i have "quit" blogging for a while. I will continue to update this site after my O levels this year, so till then, there will not be any new materials, but do anticipate for new materials coming up in late November/early December! I have also changed the tagboard so you can leave your comments there.Cheers, The October Angel :D ♥ Mouseover effect
I'm gonna share with you some amazing codes which is not very popular among amateurs, if you are one, you have a chance to learn a lot of new codes so pay your fullest attention!
Mouseover effects code
Let me demonstrate this using the (span) code.
Result is (hover around the word "skylette" to see effect):skylette
Definitions: You can also add other styles like padding (space between the content inside the span and the border of the span), cursor when hovered over the span,font styles (appearance of the text and advance codes like filters.
THIS.STYLE codes: Labels: amazing codes